The Conservation Farming Unit (CFU) will support capacity building in CA through a continuous capacity building program that provides CSA/CA training to extension agents in the project sites, farmers, input suppliers, and other value chain players identified by the project.
The three main objectives that CFU will focus on are:
1. Increase adoption of CSA technologies by additional 10,000 farmers across the 3 project sites by March 2025
2. Increase agriculture land adjacent to CFMAs under sustainable practices to 10,000 hectares by March2025
3. At least 10,000 farmers adjacent to CFMAs equally assisted to sustainably improve their productivity and net income through facilitation of input and market support, financial linkages and linking the farmers to available digital information and transaction services.

Conservation Farming Unit (CFU) was engaged by Trident Foundation Limited (TFL) in Kalumbila through the renewal of the one-year contract to run from June 2022 to May 2023. The project objectives are:
1. To promote crop production through extension services for the 600 resettled households/farmers.
2. To identify and promote high value crops that can be grown within the catchment area.
3. To facilitate mechanized farming that will result into increased production footprint and yield.
4. To enhance mind-set transformation through visible felt leadership and illustration of best practices in conservation farming.
5. To provide agribusiness capacity building with emphasis on crop production and basic entrepreneurship literacy trainings.
3. NIRAS Accelerate Water and Agriculture Resource Efficiency (AWARE) PROJECT

GRZ/World Bank funded TRALARD. The CFU managed component of the project was operating in six districts
of Muchinga Province and consisted of four components whose activities are interconnected and mutually
complementary and reinforcing:
1. Promoting Diversified, Resilient, Sustainable Livelihoods
2. Management of Community Forests and Protected Areas
3. Project Management, Coordination, and Monitoring
4. Contingency Emergency Response Component (CERC, Standardized)

The CFU’s GBP25m Climate Smart Agriculture Zambia Programme (2016-2021) is generously supported by Britain’s Department for International Development. At present this is the largest programme run by the CFU, covering 43 districts in Zambia. In 2017 alone 216,000 farmers were trained under this program, with 32,995 adopting for the first time.

Unwavering Norwegian support was critical to the development and expansion of the CFU for more than 15 years, allowing the CFU to scale up to the size it is now. This support financed the Zambian CAPI (2006-2011) and CAP II (2011-2016) Programmes as well as the CARP (2011-2015) Programme which was rolled out with in-Country Partners in Uganda, Tanzania, Malawi and Kenya. The value of the Norwegian contribution over this period was close to USD$ 80 million. The CFU is currently implementing the NORAD funded RCSAP Programme, through its partners in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda.

The CFU has collaborated with UNDP on the “Strengthening Management Effectiveness and Generating Multiple Environmental Benefits Within… and Around the Greater Kafue National Park and West Lunga National Park in Zambia” since 2016. By providing an approximately 2,400 families with the skills and knowledge to farm profitably and intensively using CF, it is intended that Game Management Area deforestation and predation be halted.
CFU Regional Programme Partners

PAFID, the Kenyan In-Country-Partner of the CFU, has implemented the NORAD funded Regional Climate Smart Agriculture Programme… in three Eastern Counties – Kitui, Makueni and Meru. Since inception of RCSAP 698 Lead Farmers have been selected and trained in CA MT and along with the PAFID field staff, they have trained 8,617 small holder farmers (70% women) of whom 2,518 have adopted CA MT on at least a portion of their farm. There are now 25 mechanized and ADP tillage service providers offering time and cost-efficient services to farmers and 49 officials from 15 CSOs have undergone advocacy and leadership training and their members trained in CA MT.

REDS is a Ugandan non-governmental organization that focuses on the improvement of livelihoods of smallholder farmers… by providing efficient farming practices that protect lives, soils and the environment. REDS trains civil society in CSA Practices, advocates for CSA awareness and promotes cohesion amongst farmer groups for sustainability.

CFU Tanzania forms a part of the Zambian CFU, and shares a mandate to promote CSA interventions and technologies,… through specialized training support, extension services and advocacy and promotion of CA. CFU Tanzania works in 7 Districts: Same & Moshi Rural in Kilimanjaro Monduli in Arusha Region; Babati and Kiteto in Manyara and Mbeya Rural and Wangingómbe Region.
Working Parnerships
The CFU benefits from multiple formal and informal relationships with other related not-for-profit agencies and private sector companies. Through these relationships the CFU helps to strengthen farmers access to, demand for and supply of necessary agricultural tools and inputs, rural market services, financial literacy business training, and also the opportunities for these farmers to become tractor owners, tillage service providers, local input sales agents and aggregators.